Tuesday, January 1

Happy 2013!

So two beautiful girls later, here I am. We were blessed with Harper Faith last December. Can't believe she's now one. And yes, Harper is a girl.

For 2013, focusing on the mantra: Live well.

As a working mom of two small kids while still teaching a few yoga classes a week, I rely on my yoga practice for good health. This year, I plan to focus on renewing my passion for writing and yoga while learning new techniques and ideas for leading a good life.

This month, I am focusing on Deepak Chopra's book The Seven Laws of Success of Yoga. I've had it for years and am excited to really focus on it's plan and see how it affects me.

The book says that there are seven laws of success, that when applied with yoga and focused on each day with the corresponding law, can really enhance and balance your life.

Tuesday is the law of Karma, cause and effect.

To apply this law ask yourself, "What will this choice bring me?" I asked myself this throughout my yoga asana practice (asana is Sanskrit for postures) at YG. Third time this week - total treat for me. :)

Since today is New Years, the teacher focused on stirring up tapas or our internal passion, fire. Pati talked about using our yoga practice like a burning bowl ceremony where we envisioned burning something we wanted to rid ourselves of while practicing. I imagined burning off extra weight. Ninety minutes later, I felt very blessed, inspired and whole. Totally ready and embracing 2013.

Cheers! Excited for the journey ahead.

TGFY (thank God for yoga)

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