Thursday, March 27

Thankful Thursday

Focusing on gratitude is a great way to bring more abundance and joy into life. What better way to reiterate this focus but to blog weekly about it, whether it is my own personal list of gratefulness or the value of being thankful in life. And what better day than Thursday? Get it? THankful THursday - again, utilizing alliteration. It's a bit cheesy - sue me.

What I'm grateful for today:

My husband sprucing up our first-floor bathroom. He figured out how to change the light fixture and painted! What a man.

A yoga student telling me last night she had an awesome savasana - yay!

My healthy baby and all his or her little kicks and wiggles.

Our first baby shower today with my work friends at Bravo - I've been looking forward to it all week.

Baby 101 class, which helped me feel more prepared and confident.

    People telling me I look wonderful for eight months pregnant and that I'm so active for how far along I am.

My manager Lori, for loving to cook and sharing her yummy morsels with our team. Yesterday was a WONDERFUL egg casserole.

Our dog Charlie for not being hyper last night and chilling like a good doggie.

Hubby landing another radio station production gig yesterday - his business is growing and growing!

My blog for being a cathartic outlet and a way to share my thoughts, experiences and joy.

Spending Easter with family, including our cute little neice!

My health and yoga - I've had such a smooth pregnancy and I attribute it all to my yoga practice.

Thank you life for EVERYTHING~



Connie said...

You do look great! I think our bellies are about the same. And I do think it makes a big difference when you're active while pregnant. I really can't complain either compared to other people!

Stacey said...

I like your idea of Thankful Thursday. It's easy to get caught up in all that's "wrong" and forget to focus on all that is wonderful! Thanks for the reminder!

A Yoga Mama is a Rama Mama said...

Thanks Connie - I think that photo makes me look a bit pudgier than I really am (but it's probably accurate - ha!). I'm glad your pregnancy is going to smoothly too.

And thanks "Let it Flow" for confirming my idea for Thankful Thursdays isn't completely cheesy! hee hee!

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