Wednesday, February 6

Wanna know my secret?

Two sick days away from my corporate-day job, I ventured into work today through what appeared to be Siberia. Local school districts even called off school today due to the fierce snow.

By 11 a.m. I was exhausted. Who knew sitting in a chair was so much work, but my body wasn't used to being vertical since I've been down and out with the flu for four days. Luckily I found a sub for my yoga class tonight because I had no energy by 5 p.m. - thank you Anita for your help. I hope my yoga students will forgive me for being absent all week!

When I returned home this evening, I vegged out on the couch with my still-sick hubby. Our TiVo reminded me I had it record Oprah today to watch Louise Hay talk about the law of attraction and the secret behind The Secret. I was so excited to watch it - apparently Louise had been on Oprah 20 years ago to promote her book You can heal you Life, which is really auspicious considering she just released her movie with the same title. (Watch the preview of it below.)

Prompted by a Hay House e-mail, I wrote an e-mail to Oprah last week about how Louise's affirmations have changed my life for the better. I really believed I was going to be on Oprah (no joking!), but alas no call. I blame the flu for ruining my vibration with the flow of attraction! :)

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