Sunday, January 6

Ideas on how to connect to your baby

I'm such a nerd - I LOVE the library! Some of my meditation and pregnancy books I reserved online were available for pick up yesterday. One was Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives by Deepak Chopra, which is a "holistic guide to pregnancy and childbirth." So far, I've read the first chapter, and it explained a lot abou the development of the fetus, but more deeply than other books. Such as babies can smell in the womb and exhibit preference for smells and tastes exposed to in the womb - my baby is going to like some spicy food!

I really enjoyed this excerpt from the book:

"Throughout your pregnancy your body is your unborn baby's universe. You are the rivers, sunlight, earth, atmosphere, and sky for this being growing within you. your baby's body, mind and soul are intimately intertwined with your own. Together you express the flow of life."

So far there are also suggested exercises and suggestions on how to connect with your baby such as journaling, touching your belly throughout the day and send loving thoughts to your baby. One that really sounded cool, and I wish I would've read this before the ground froze, is to plant a tree or flowering bush to symbolize the growth of your baby in the womb. Once the child is bigger, you can take care of it together.

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