Wednesday, May 21

Getting our dog ready for baby

Four days and COUNTING LOUDLY. Can you hear me God? I've been reading my newborn-care baby books and articles and watching the DVDs so we're ready to go! I'm so anxious to meet this little guy or gal. I've been having a bit of cramping today, which I chalk up to Braxton Hicks contractions since they have been fairly random and not really painful as I imagine full-on labor contractions to be. It's so hard to know when it's really time.

Our current baby is Charlie, who will soon become our dog once our baby girl or boy arrives. He's a lab-border collie mix so he's a big boy at 80 pounds and is very sweet and lovable. Our neighbors adore him because he never barks. He's also pretty good with our nine-month old niece, but he is a bit oafish. Loves to step on our toes so I'm a wee bit nervous about him being around our newborn. Thought I'd make him the subject of today's post since I found a good online article called "Preparing Pets for the New Arrival."

Here's a few tidbits from the article I thought were the most helpful:

Before baby arrives
  • Make the nursery off-limits. Paws on or in a crib can waken baby.
  • Get your pet used to the baby’s belongings and furniture.
Before baby comes home
  • Have the pet-sitter repeat your newborn’s name to your pet, showing the pet where the baby will sleep.
  • Have someone bring home a clothing item your baby has worn and let your pet get used to the baby’s scent.
Once baby is home
  • Introduce your pet to the baby. Tell your pet the baby’s name and watch your pet’s reaction closely.


Anonymous said...

We have a 100 pound Akita/Lab who is also very quiet and very laid back, but also steps on toes. We have accepted that she will knock the kid over at one point!

A Yoga Mama is a Rama Mama said...

LOL! Too funny! We'll have to share stories on how the pets interact with baby!

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