Sunday, April 27

Hometown baby shower photos

Photos from hometown baby shower:

Earlier this month, long-time friends Shannan and Christine threw me a beautiful, baby shower. It was so much fun (yes, baby showers can actually be fun!) and wonderful to see everybody. Everyone was extremely generous, and I came back home feeling so much more ready and prepared for the baby. Thank you to all for attending! It was a great time.

My friend and baby shower cohost Christine and her baby Ellie.

From left to right, my mom's good friends Kathleen and Barb, plus long-time family friend Trudy.

My mom and I on the left and below, ,my mom and I again plus my friend and cohost Shannan and her mom Nancy.

Me holding up a blanket my friend Christine's mom Sue, pictured below with her grand baby Ellie, made for the baby and the cake.

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