Wednesday, March 19

Another celeb baby is born

And I digress to my gossip habit of celebrities but tie it in with pregnancy ...

Halle Berry gave birth to a baby girl on Sunday - I am obviously not keeping up on because I just saw this today! There was an interesting article about Halle Berry's Baby Name
which was
Nahla Ariela Aubry. Apparently Nahla is Arabic for honeybee - cute.

I liked Berry's quote in the article. "We didn't have a name picked out until just before we left the hospital. For us it was hard to name the most important person in our life until we met her."

I feel the same way about naming our baby-to-be. However, when I say this to others that I can't really decide until I meet the little one, people look at me like I'm CRAZY! Good to know I'm not alone.


Ripe for Reading said...

We're talking about baby names now, but it's hard! I think we'll end up having one in mind and change our decision after the birth!

Libbo said...

I totally agree with you on this Marjie, I'm glad that there is someone else out that that somewhat agrees with me...

A Yoga Mama is a Rama Mama said...

I agree with both of you - it is a huge decision choosing a name. My hubby and I both have unique names, or at least not typical names, so we'd like our child to have the same. However, we don't want it to be too weird.

I actually think we have enough girl's names to make a decision but we really only have one boy's name we agree on (since we don't know the sex). I think I better look back at the name books! ;)

I do trust that it will just feel right once I meet the little fellow or gal.

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